Friday, July 27, 2012

A stroll around the Garden

August is almost here and the garden is still going strong. Thanks to some nice rainfall and cooler temps this summer, the garden is bursting in color. The bees were out in full force. Yes, they have a job to do. There are definitely more bees and butterflies this summer compared to last. 

The Coral Vine is stretching out over the fence.

I recently purchased a Mexican Lime Tree. Can't wait to make some Magaritas!

The Milkweed is just waiting for the Monarch and Queen butterflies to show up.

The view of the back bed is my favorite. Knockout Roses, Blackfoot Daisy, Damianita, Cora Vincas and Black & Blue Salvia/Sage are all putting on a show.

Even though we have had a pretty pleasant summer, I have to admit I'm ready for Fall. How about you?

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Farewell Antique Rose Emporium

Farewell Antique Rose Emporium in San Antonio.

You will be dearly missed.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Garden Update

I came across some pictures of the garden when we first planted it. WOW! What a difference a couple of months can make. Here is the veggie and herb garden back in April:

Here it is now:

My husband installed a drip irrigation system which has helped tremendously. The plants are getting water just at the root system, where they need it and I never have to pick up the hose and water. Brilliant!

The system is based off a main head and has lines that branch off to each plant. The system is on a timer so we can adjust how much water the plants get and when they get it.

Now, will someone tell me what you can do with a ton of Basil. Yep, I've already made Pesto.