Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Lavender Lady Passionflower Vine

I have three different varieties of Passionflower vines in my garden including Lady Margaret, Incense and Caerulea. Hard to know the difference between them because they hardly ever bloom. I'm sure if I picked off the Gulf Fritillaries caterpillars they would be lush and blooming. When I saw a picture of the "Lavender Lady' passionflower Pam Penick posted at Digging,
I knew I had to add this variety to my garden. 

This particular passionflower is evergreen with smaller green leaves with a purplish tint. To be honest, the flower is more of a Fushia color with purple filaments.

It is not as purple as I thought it would be, but it is still very pretty. I better enjoy it now. I've already found some caterpillars on it.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

One Year Blogiversary

image via http://savourthesensesblog.com/

What my little gardening blog has taught me:

Blogging is a great creative outlet

You are able to share your passion with others who have a similar interest

It is educational. I've learned so much by reading blogs

It provides inspiration to you and others

I started this blog to chronicle our garden at our new home. Leaving my old garden was hard. I felt attached to it. I knew that someone would enjoy it and find pleasure in it. 

What is it about gardeners that is so special? Gardeners tend to have a greater appreciation of nature and beauty in the world. They tend to look at blooming weeds as flowers. They pay attention to the seasons and wildlife around them. Gardening is nurturing. It keeps us grounded and connected.

A big thank you to all that follow this blog. It has been a pleasure reading your comments. It is nice to know there are fellow gardeners out there that can relate to the joys and trials of gardening.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I'm in L-O-V-E!

This Coral vine in my backyard brings a smile to my face. The delicate bright pink blooms look lovely hanging from tendrils that are climbing along the fence. The heart shaped leaves are pretty spectacular as well. This vine stayed green and lush all winter thanks to our mild temps. It was planted last year and there were very few blooms. Looks like it is making up for it this year. Maybe it just needed to get established. I'm completely enamored with this vine.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

If you plant it, they will come

Top Left to Right: Bottlebrush, Firecracker Fern. Bottom Left to Right: Coral Honeysuckle, Turk's Cap.

This morning I witnessed two hummingbirds fighting over the new blooms on the Bottlebrush bush. The purpose of planting this bush was to lure them in. Nice when you plan things for your garden and they actually work out. There has been an increase in the number of hummingbirds this year in my garden. I've never seen Ruby-Throated hummingbirds so early on in the season before migration. Not sure if the hot weather in the plains states has anything to do with it. It could be the increased number of hummingbird plants I've included in my garden this year. As much as I love pink and blue blooms, I try to include lots of red blooms for the hummers. In addition to the plants above, I've also seen them feeding on my Black and Blue sage/salvia.

They also love the Coral Vine I planted, along with the bees.

Are there any plants the hummingbirds tend to favor in your garden? 

For more information on attracting hummingbirds to your garden, please check out Hill Country Mysteries post on creating a hummingbird hotspot.