Friday, February 1, 2013

View of the Veggie Garden

I realized that I have not posted any pictures of our veggie and herb garden lately. I have already had to replant some lettuce that had decided to bolt with these warm temps. The broccoli is blooming and the bees are all over it! The highs are predicted to be in the mid 70's this weekend and next week. Makes the wonder if Spring is already here. 

This lovely nasturtium bloom is the only bloom I have on this healthy looking plant.

Here is a list of plants currently growing in our garden:

Kale (2 varieties)
Brussels sprout
Mustard Greens
Red veiened sorrel (just planted)
Corn mache (just planted)
Swiss chard
Spinach (what is left after the bugs ate it)
Winter herbs (parsley, dill and cilantro)

 We have only had to use the frost cloth twice this past year.


  1. Wow! Look at all that.
    I never did get a fall/winter garden in, this year.
    Now, have to think about spring coming. Hope we get some rain sometime soon.

    Have a great weekend.

    1. Linda, I'm already planning my Spring garden. These warm temps just make you want to get outside and plant something. I hope we get some rain as well. Hope you have a great weekend as well.

  2. I LOVE your vegetable raised beds. Everything looks so neat and tidy!! I also love nasturtiums. I was able to grow them in CA but I haven't been able to grow them here in TN....not sure why! They would be so welcome in my cottage garden!

    1. Thank you Christy! My husband designed and built the veggie garden. I have better luck growing nasturiums in the Winter here in TX. It is way too hot for them here in the Spring/Summer. Thanks for stopping by:)

  3. That's a beautiful garden Steph. Mine is not nearly so pretty as it remains covered year round to keep all the critters out.

    The nasturtium is pretty, I should plant some next year. I loved growing them when we lived in colder climates.

    1. Thank you Shirley. I probably should keep mine covered because the cabbage loopers made a meal out of my broccoli, brussels and collards. The leaves look like swiss cheese.

      Nasturium are pretty easy to grow from seed. I think I was just planting it at the wrong time. Winter in TX = Spring in most parts of the country:)

  4. How impressive! I have had a few lettuces all winter, but you have a large variety of vegetables now! And it's pretty!

    1. Thank you! I appreciate your comment which lead me to your blog. Out of everything that we have growing in our garden, I really have enjoyed growing lettuce the most. It is so nice to pick it for a salad. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. MMMMMmmmmmmm everything looks delicious and beautiful Steph!

    1. Thank you Heather! I'm a newbie veggie gardener. It was all trial and error.

  6. Ooh, you grow SO many awesome things! We have more of an herb-heavy garden, but I'd love to incorporate more veggies this year. YUM!

    1. Thank you Amy. I love having herbs in my garden. They do not require as much maintenance as the veggies.
