Monday, October 22, 2012

New plants for fall

The fall weather has me in a planting frenzy. Here are a couple of new plants in the garden:

Coral Nymph Salvia

Love the pale pink blooms on the Coral Nymph Salvia. The blooms resemble hummingbirds in flight. This plant is known to reseed itself. I wouldn't mind having a couple of these around the garden. 

Bear's Breeches

This is my favorite new plant. It is called Bear's Breeches. The large glossy leaves provide some structural element to the garden. It also sends up a large bloom spike with pinkish white blooms on it in the Spring.  Per Wikipedia, the leaves of this plant are considered by historians to have been the design inspiration for the Corinthian column capitals of Greco-Roman architecture. Interesting!

Smooth Leaf Salvia

Smooth Leaf Salvia was added in a partly shade part of the garden. It doesn't have many blooms, but it has large glossy leaves. It is suppose to be a fantastic hummingbird plant. If anyone has any experience growing this plant, please let me know.

Philippine Violet

Philippine Violet is an excellent part shade plant. Although it mostly blooms in the Fall, the round glossy leaves are beautiful. This one fits in nicely in a corner of the garden. Can't wait to see it fill out.

Jewels of Opar

Although this is not a new plant to the garden, it has reseeded itself in a new spot. This is a pass along plant from my Grandmother.


  1. New plants are always fun. I've received some Jewels of Opar seeds from a friend and will plant them in the spring. This weather has me thinking I could plant now but I hear there's a cold front on the way.

    1. Love Jewels of Opar. Words of warning - they will come up everywhere, however they are easy to remove. I'm hoping for some cooler weather. Doesn't seem like fall with 90 degree temps. Bring on the cold front!

  2. Those are some beautiful selections you got there! I am in love with your Coral Nymph Salvia!!!!!!!!! I need some of that for my back garden for sure. What a unique color, eh?

  3. Thanks Heather! I love the color of the blooms on the Coral Nymph Salvia. The blooms are a cross between pale pink and salmon and so dainty. YES, you do need some:)
