Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Lavender Lady Passionflower Vine

I have three different varieties of Passionflower vines in my garden including Lady Margaret, Incense and Caerulea. Hard to know the difference between them because they hardly ever bloom. I'm sure if I picked off the Gulf Fritillaries caterpillars they would be lush and blooming. When I saw a picture of the "Lavender Lady' passionflower Pam Penick posted at Digging,
I knew I had to add this variety to my garden. 

This particular passionflower is evergreen with smaller green leaves with a purplish tint. To be honest, the flower is more of a Fushia color with purple filaments.

It is not as purple as I thought it would be, but it is still very pretty. I better enjoy it now. I've already found some caterpillars on it.


  1. Lucky you to have so many caterpillars! It is a beautiful flower.

    1. I think I need to join some kind of Passionflower addiction group. I find them so beautiful and interesting. I want them all:) Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Those are gorgeous. I have the worst luck with passionflower. The little caterpillars always eat my plants to the ground before I can get them established. Silly caterpillars. I guess they now I'll just buy another one next year.

    1. Thank you Ally. They are one of my favorite types of flowers. There were so few butterflies last year that my vines had a chance to get established.
